Card Control Service

Send the SMS from your registered mobile number for using Card Control Service

Send an SMS to 8976962645

S. NoChannelRequest TypeExampleDescription
1ATMTo Switch OFF ATM Channel, customer need to send SMS textATM OFF 234876Send SMS “ATM <SPACE> OFF <SPACE> NNNNNN” (Where NNNNNN is last six digit of your debit card) to deactivate ATM channel of the card.
2To Switch ON ATM Channel customer need to send SMS textATM ON 234876Send SMS “ATM <SPACE> ON <SPACE> NNNNNN” (Where NNNNNN is last six digit of your debit card) to activate ATM channel of the card.
1POSTo Switch OFF POS Transaction, customer need to send SMS textPOS OFF 234876Send SMS “POS <SPACE> OFF <SPACE> NNNNNN” (Where NNNNNN is last six digit of your debit card) to deactivate ATM channel of the card.
2To Switch ON POS Transaction, customer need to send SMS textPOS ON 234876Send SMS “POS <SPACE> ON <SPACE> NNNNNN” (Where NNNNNN is last six digit of your debit card) to activate ATM channel of the card.
1ECOMTo Switch OFF ECOM Transaction, customer need to send SMS textECOM OFF 234876Send SMS “ECOM <SPACE> OFF <SPACE> NNNNNN” (Where NNNNNN is last six digit of your debit card) to deactivate ATM channel of the card.
2To Switch ON ECOM Transaction, customer need to send SMS textECOM ON 234876Send SMS “ECOM <SPACE> ON <SPACE> NNNNNN” (Where NNNNNN is last six digit of your debit card) to activate ATM channel of the card.
Service Type : Card Temporary BLOCK/ UNBLOCK
1Temporary-BLOCKTo Block the Card Temporary status, customer need to send SMS textTBLK 234876Send SMS “TBLK <SPACE> NNNNNN” (Where NNNNNN is last six digit of your debit card) to Temporary block (All Channel) of the card.
2To Remove the Card from Temporary Blocked status, customer need to send SMS textTUNBLK 234876Send SMS “TUNBLK <SPACE> NNNNNN” (Where NNNNNN is last six digit of your debit card) to Temporary unblock (All Channel) of the card.
Servie Type : Permanently Block
1Permanently-BLOCKTo Block the Card Permanently, customer need to send SMS textPBLK 00023405000333Send SMS “PBLK <SPACE> NNNNNNNNN” (Where NNNNNNNNN is your complete account number(15 digits))to Permanently block the card.